So ... what is this exactly?
A membership group open to professionals that work in the games industry that consists of regular virtual and in person events, exclusive offers, and networking opportunities.
Is this legit?
What kind of virtual events?
On the first Friday of every month we run a ZOOM call for 12 hours (to accomodate all the various timezones), where we randomly put people into breakout rooms for 20 minutes at a time to hang out. It's a simple yet surprisingly fun format (more details here), as you can drop in or out whenever you like during the time it runs.
What kind of in person events?
The GIG holds members only invite only parties adjacent to major gaming conferences and festivals, recently during PAX, GDC, and London Games Week.
Ok, what makes this group so different though?
Accountability and diversity. We have an incredibly robust code of conduct that we take very seriously. If you break it, you are removed immediately from all GIG spaces. Although the GIG has over 8000 members, we take pride in ensuring our membership list has a healthy percentage ratio of gender and POC.
Are there membership fees or costs?
Why do we have to include a referral when we register?
So we have someone to blame if you turn out to be an asshole.
I applied but haven't been approved yet, how long does it take?
Depending on our diversity ratio and the fact that we manually approve every applicant, wait times can be anywhere from 3 days to 3 months.
Who runs this thing?
The GIG was created Guy 'Yug' Blomberg and is operated by a dedicated team of hosts.
Members FAQ
What do I do if someone is being inappropriate/abusive/sexist/etc?
Contact a GIG host directly and let them know. Any form of harassment such as but not limited to oppressive and offensive language, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and other discrimination against people of diverse sexualities and genders, as well as racism, ableism, classism, and any prejudice against those who are non-normative or marginalised, will not be tolerated.
See our code of conduct here.
I didn't get the email with login details, what do I do?
Check your spam/junk for an email, and if it's not there then send us an email or DM on Twitter. Note that if you only recently registered, you may not have been approved yet, and it can sometimes take some time as we maintain diversity ratios.
How do I access the GIG Discord?
You can can get to the GIG Discord via this link, however please note that we manually check everyone that joins against their approved GIG application, so if you are not an approved GIG member, you won't get access.
How do I leave/unsubscribe?
Enter the email you signed up with on this page and you'll be removed as a GIG member and won't get any of our glorious emails ever again.